
New MacBook:

This isn't Retina MacBook Air you were hoping for

How bare we seeing the laser? Is there "dust" in the chamber that is reflecting some of the laser beam?

Where's the deals? I'm looking to spend the $7854 I earned working at home last month, and I don't need a Chrysler Sebring Convertable.

There are always great deals coming up for 256GB+ go to just saw one this morning if I recall.

There are always great deals coming up for 256GB+ go to just saw one this morning if I recall.

This is not always good advice. In the US there are considerable tax benefits to having a mortgage for a primary residence, and also student loans can be a good investment if you study the right field. A better way to put it is to never use debt for consumption, only for investment, and to be extremely careful about

3 hours later the staff responsible for the mistake were made to consume every bag of gummy penises (and then some). Their only regret is they wish they had packaged them in boxes instead of bags. The "Dick in a Box" reference was lost upon the furious management team.

"... over penetration."

make sure you keep the filters cleaned if you are picking up that much baking soda. Great vacuums die quickly because of a clogged filter. I wash rinse them out couple times a month.

"While the difficulty of my marriage certainly increased when we started having children, my happiness and satisfaction has done nothing but the opposite." Um, so they've decreased? Cuz that's the opposite of increasing.

Lol at all of the posters who DON'T have kids complaining about the idea of having children. If you are not a parent, you have no idea what you are talking about. BTW, who is pressuring you to have children and why does their opinion hold so much weight? Do what you want; everyone else around you can fuck off. It's

People who quote Ben Franklin out of context are jackasses

I hit the link expecting additional information on how they got the shelves to stay in place on dowel rods, but instead, I found out they put shelves balanced on dowel rods.

Now playing

I'm not sure about that but I highly, highly doubt it, dentists are greedy and they misinform their patients!! What IS important is nutrition. If you eat lots of processed food you guarantee issues with your teeth. I recommend something called 'oil pulling' where you swish coconut oil around your mouth and also

Don't lower your water heater below 140.... Straight from OSHA:

"minimal drag so as not to affect your gas mileage"

It's hard to say. A lot of computer geeks collect abstract art, fractal wallpapers, star maps, planetary bodies, cat pictures, dog pictures, post-impressionist paintings, porn, porn, pornography, porn, etc.