Meetloaf13 this is what people do when they get bored?

Hmm, I've never actually "imported" the mail (meaning past messages). I'm guessing you did a POP3 import of sorts? I just forwarded the suckers and so it was a "from this point on" type of deal.

Forwarding Hotmail is a cinch, but a free yahoo account takes a little doing, I roughly followed the instructions listed here:

I've tried K9 & Maildroid each for several weeks...kept going back to stock G-Mail. Besides, IMO, forwarding my Hotmal & Yahoo (free) accounts to my g-mail account with a "skip the inbox" filter has consolidated my e-mail time extensively.

The "pearl" dare to blaspheme? I've never heard it named anything other than the "nipple".

With the Chase Freedom card, if you have the CC AND the bank account, you automagically get more points on ALL CC purchases. The catch is that you now have to have a $1500 minimum balance in the checking account for it to avoid monthly fees.

+1 for a stir crazy type popper. That and Olive Oil are what I use to eat popcorn weekly. Also, I typically prefer the "yellow corn" over "white".


Perhaps they do, but not in a way that I've liked in comparison to TweetDeck. If you have any recommendations, my only stipulation is that I can view/post to both at once. And that I have have light text on dark background/widget. Oh yes, and free w/o ads all over the place, and I do like "columns".

Perhaps it's b/c I don't use Twitter heavily and all of it's features. But even between Android & iOS, & after trying different programs, I always find myself going back to TweetDeck. The integration of Twitter/FaceBook is what I really like most about it.

Garbage, you aren't slandering him or gaming him through the ringer, leaving him destitute and forsaken. If he sells it, he does so willingly, you may even be facilitating information flow in the free market and accelerating the sale of his item.

"...and then supported Google Music"

I hear you there, it's like we're on different sides of the same bridge and don't want to cross. Who knows, maybe the grass is greener on both sides? (brain-splosion)

+1 for PlayerPro. Was looking for a good player for quite some time. Stopped once I found PlayerPro.


Really, out of the box? Or is it something you need to enable?

*sigh* (hehe) I was replying to your reply above, it seemed a bit conflicting, but after a second read, I admit, it wasn't.

Whitson, you can disable all that crap now.

Two reasons I use Digsby, and only two:

I think you're wrong, I think this post has deeper meaning. I could only dream of my comment figuratively exploding into the Sun.