
Umm, can't we already sport this within Google Reader?

What are some good 'Panorama' (2D) applications that you can find for free? I've tried a couple, but haven't been too satisfied.

Peter, regarding your update, that is how it is currently. I would venture to guess that shortly, web-apps will start up that will allow people to talk on their cell-phone over data.

@sandiegoguy: I own a ghetto canister're talking bagless right?

Hope this is awesome.

WTG LHers. 500+ invites already taken ;)


Wow, I somehow feel dirtier after wading through the murk of this fanboi babbling. =D


@Jeff: ...I think I just spit up in my mouth.

@Kevin Schueller: +1 for JB...have to try and get some of Steve's ego off my 'Pod

YUCK...people actually click inside the address bar and search box?

@MifuneT: I approve of this comment. =D

The Matrix is partially true. Ipod Touch 3G can be jailbroken for iOS4, you just need to have your 3.1.2 SHSH blobs saved (which you can no longer do). I know it's a small number of people, but it at least deserves an asterisk! =]

...or you could lose 50lbs =]

@CamJN: @Phoshi: I see. From your replies I'm beginning to understand. I've dabbled with Linux (and therefore Terminal), as well as programs like AutoHotkey, or VBA for Excel. So, I can see where automation is very useful, and now my interest is piqued. If only I had a constant need for such knowledge, then it

@her0_0f_time: Hehehe...what's the point of using something that needs to be thoroughly explained first? Unless you were trying to humor only yourself...which would give your explanation a leave of absence.