
@CamJN: Why the constant need for a CLI? And how is OSX's so much better than Command Prompt (ghetto I know, but I've not used OSX much at all)?

@Miles Jackson: Sheesh...way to bring out the "I'm bitter so here comes the Scorched Earth generalization" comment...I've been Jailbreaking for years and never pirated.

@jbarr: Yeah, unfortunately, there's not a iOS4 JB available for my device. In time...I'm not too concerned right now, I have my set up pretty smooth right now.

Oh Noz...a "gaming mouse" w/o thumb buttons? That's heresy.

There's no way IE8 would win any sort of TABS competition on any computer I've ever used. Every time I select "Open new tab" or press CTRL+T, I pick my nose for a few minutes before a BLANK tab is able to load.

Who wants to bet that Jobs secretly owns a majority share of Digital Playground's holdings? XD

@jbarr: How is your battery life? I've heard that iOS4 drains the battery like it better/worse than using Backgrounder non-stop?

One thing to consider. I love listening to audio books, and many libraries now offer online checkout and download of audio books you can burn to cd or load onto your mp3 player of choice. You get a lot of modern, high quality books for FREE =]

@Mihos: Let's face it Jobs is a brilliant Tool. He's simultaneous awesome and sucky. Quite the dichotomy.

@ThinkerTDM: Yes, only the newer iPod Touch 3G can change wallpapers...unless you JailBreak. And, if you have an iPod Touch, there is very little reason not to JB.

Back in the 90's there were an entire series of neck-ties created this way. I don't think they were quite as psychedelic though.

Couldn't have said it better myself. In fact I wrote something very similar on a message board yesterday after lauding Jobs and scorning him all in the same workday.

This article is a poor attempt to improperly place causality.

I must say, I LOVE my Speck CandyShell for my iPod Touch 3G. I'm almost not afraid to drop it, ever. It's has had several spills and never a blemish. It can hit almost any corner and the brunt of the impact is absorbed by the case.

@veronykah: Yes, also consider adding potatoes to your diet. For best results eat the skin also, that's where most of the nutrients reside.

This is crap. I don't pay near what the "cheapest" price that was indicated, nor will I once my promotionals are up.

Interesting, I've heard the opposite, that you should cut your grass often. With the rationale that when grass becomes long, it has a hormone in the top of the blade that promotes growth upwards instead of outwards, resulting in a lawn that spends it time/energy growing tall, instead of full.