
Oh man Adam...that picture made me cringe.

Timely...another odd item you can use to clean your computer:

@kokanut: Yeah, I've tried that in the past with mixed results. In that, rarely have I been able to expand my files drive. Once I shrank my OS partition so I could add to my files partition. I was left with an extra chunk that I had to eventually add back to my OS partition.

Proof's in the pudding my friends. Information is such a great luxury.

Rainmeter? Really? A 'tweak'? I'm pretty sure that my VOTE of "nothing" fits in the 'tweaking' category better.

@kokanut: Ohhh, I see what you are saying. Well, my definition of a 'clean install' is just that, start with an empty partition and install the OS.

Vote: NONE

@kokanut: Theoretically you would think so, but I would NEVER try that one. When you install a program much more happens behind the scenes, especially in your registry. You could really muck something up going that route and would in many ways destroy the beauty of a clean install.

I've been lovin' 7 ever since Beta =]

gBridge FTW

First off, I'm a CPA that loved classes like Logic, Programming, and Calculus. But I don't consider these classes as important as what follows.


@kokanut: Haha, I'm kind of an install-freak myself. How big is your HD? Do you install a lot of hefty games or something? And yes, you could create a "Program Files" folder on your other partition, that would be an easy solution...though, if I'm not mistaken, it is not too hard to shrink any partition w/in

How will this affect Better GReader & "Preview Item"?

@kokanut: Sorry for the latent response.

This is almost a pointless poll when your target group is Lifehacker readers, no?

@emag: Amen to that.