
“The shart from eating all of that [insert garbage food of your choosing] is running down my leg”

He’s just counting on the fact that his supporters don’t deal in facts, evidence, that kind of thing.

if I’m elected president, on the very first day in office, I intend to instruct the U.S. Department of Justice to open an investigation into Planned Parenthood and to prosecute any and all criminal conduct by that organization.”

I can’t wait for that shit! If her face during the Bengazi hearings gave you any indication of what’s to come.

That video has me convinced that Obama should wear aviators 24/7.

eyyyyyyy channeling my inner rubio here and saying that obama knows exactly what he’s doing

Now playing

This strategic maneuver brought to you by the 1990s.

What’s going on here?

“Someone did, my love.” That phrasing makes me love her fifty times more, for some reason. FIFTY THOUSAND BUCKS, YOU ASSHOLES.

Really. “Stop saying true unflattering things about me, everyone!” is not a valid legal complaint.

I saw one tweet from Kesha, thanking fans for their support, and everyone else was tweeting long before she did that, because the verdict was live tweeted and people were pissed off. Whether she’d said anything or not, people would have said the same thing.

As an American, I am so proud and grateful to have had him as my president. Being on the way out of his presidency, he’s also been really hitting it out of the park with his newly relaxed, IDGAF attitude (but instead of not giving a fuck and being an asshole, he’s openly praising the important works of activists.)

This old white lady thinks we have had a much better man in office than many of us deserved. History will look at all he’s done and all he’s put up with and it will judge him well. I would have nuked the republicans if I’d been in his place. It infuriates me that the drooling knuckle dragging inbred mouth breathing

I agree we are in a FAR better place. Remember early in his presidency how careful he had to be around issues of race? There was the incident with Henry Lois Gates and the “beer summit”, and he was so careful to acknowledge but not to rock the boat, lest he be dubbed “racist” by the right wing crazies. Now he is

I strongly suspect that Pulley is one of those people who will get angry with you for agreeing with her.

The Guardian spoke to Aislinn Pulley, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Chicago, who declined attending the gathering, saying it “would only serve to legitimize the false narrative that the government is working to end police brutality and the institutional racism that fuels it.”

not to be dramatic but that is the best sentence ever to be written in the history of the english language

Beware the Batman (the CG show you mentioned) had the potential to be the next Batman: TAS. I saw a couple episodes, really, really great.

Adventure Time and Steven Universe both have 11 minute episodes while still doing some excellent storytelling. We Bare Bears is also in 11 minute chunks.

I was watching Brave and the Bold last night. Honestly I think it’s probably in the top 3 or so of DC adaptations to tv. So I urge everyone to be open minded about the new show. Honestly they need to let a show run and quit killing stuff off so quickly. Like the CGI Batman show, I think that could of done some