I forgot how much I missed this damn show until it came back, AoS is in full form! Too bad we had to wait for 8 awful Inhumans episodes to go by before seeing this, though. Still, I hope this means shorter mid arc breaks during the season.
I forgot how much I missed this damn show until it came back, AoS is in full form! Too bad we had to wait for 8 awful Inhumans episodes to go by before seeing this, though. Still, I hope this means shorter mid arc breaks during the season.
-I am so excited for this season and this was a really great opener! Did a lot of important setup and worldbuilding while keeping things entertaining!
I liked the idea that John expressed, namely, that not everyone wants to live to the maxiumum of whatever potential he or she might have. Clearly he understands that the point of life is not to attain the highest office possible; rather, the point of life is to be content.
This is why Riker is my favourite character in…
*Isaac, stroking Gordon’s arm*
Yes, what kind of ridiculous society embraces blue-collarism and chides, insults and often out-right ignores intelligent behavior and points of view?
I’m expecting to see the bridge cat going forward.
“Come to think of it, how come no fanboys hit the roof over the fact that Lex Luthor almost always has hair in the original films?”
Let this be a lesson to Warner Brothers. Plan out your reshoots beforehand and don’t pile on extra ones when actors are committed to other films.
They should have gone the Cesar Romero route and just slathered on the pancake makeup and dared people to give them shit about the mustache. It’s what i would have done.
Your daughter may be too brainy, and you should watch out for super-villain tendencies?
To me, it is dog-whistle reinforcing the Virgin-Whore dichotomy that is so beloved by right-wing regressive men. If a woman is kept in a tiny little box, doing everything you tell her to do and wearing her purity ring from daddy, then she is good and special and needs your protection. If she does what she damned well…
My brainy daughter mentioned that The Thinker’s end game may be related to the fact that his brain power sucks life from his body, whereas Barry’s body regenerates. Barry is a potential source of life for The Thinker. Thoughts?
I loved the little moment where Fake Wells knows exactly who DeVoe was, and offers up a smirk and a “good luck” that evidently he didn’t pick up on.
Really, Moore supporters aren’t known for being world travelers. Just maybe to Biloxi or Orange Beach for an occasional vacay. Disney — once — when their kids are young enough to enjoy it but not old enough to understand what “gay” means.
I wish I would be able to enjoy the surprise in store for those shitheels when Brietbart, Infowars or whatever 4chan cesspool they inhabit’s load time slows to a crawl but I’ll be too busy waiting for my porn. How dare they mess with our porn!
When life gives you lemons you petition ISPs to block Stormfront.
The trailer for the crossover is awesome. I don’t know what excites me more - Oliver jumping through a vibe portal to shoot a Nazi, Sara and Kara ripping their dresses so they can fight, or the fact that someone thought to invite the beer-swigging pyromaniac to the wedding.
If you think about it, there’s actually a lot to suggest that Verbal Kint isn’t Keyzer Soze, and that Kobayashi is Soze.