I love this show so much. That means it will be cancelled. Sorry guys. It’s my curse.
I love this show so much. That means it will be cancelled. Sorry guys. It’s my curse.
I really didn’t care for the SciFi channel series. Just off the bat, I hated that they made the Atreides family blonde, because they are the good guys, including Jessica, as if their hair color wasn’t actually integral to their characterization. The Atreides are descended from the Greeks, with black hair, and Jessika…
Y’know, they also made a Dune miniseries in 2000 that everyone’s forgotten about.
David Lynch is also not a fan of David Lynch’s Dune and would like everyone to stop calling it David Lynch’s Dune.
The hobo clown line was, for me, the highlight of the series thus far. More of that, please.
Not because it was good. I was just happy I didn’t have to see this fucking photo everyday.
I found this bone-chilling. Like finding out Voldemort knows your address.
The last episode was great, you just didn’t like that it doesn’t jive with your politics, much how you didn’t like the social media witch hunt planet because you probably love that stuff.
1) Alara is a breakout star. They need more Alara episodes.
Bortus: What kind of pizza?
Oh, you need to watch the early seasons of 24. She goes full Lady Macbeth and it’s glorious.
Penny Johnson is showing us she was massively underused in DS9.
Even a supposedly “dull” episode of GotHam still features a cleaver fight, some jerk getting stabbed in the brain, & a serial killer in a hog’s head performing a musical ditty with ophan accompaniment on triangle.
The highlight of the episode was Oswald and Martine having a “sad Disney princess eyes” contest and somehow Oswald winning.
The mechanism is your arm. The filter in the French press is a “moving part” in the same sense that, like, a hammer is a “moving part” when you lift it off a tabletop.
In Hell, the demons dispense the medicine that temporarily stops the agony using precisely this system.
no one has ever uttered the words “My french press isn’t powering on anymore” French press 4 lyfe
Who the fuck only drinks a single cup of coffee in the morning? I’ve known one person who had one for their personal use, and the week I stayed with them the three of us had that thing running nonstop in the mornings. I’m not a coffee snob; I stand by my $20 Mr. Coffee that gives me the proper 6 cups I need every…
How gross was your kitchen that no one noticed the cockroach infestation?!
We had a Keurig once. The water reservoir got infested with cockroaches. She found this out by making a cup a coffee and finding a roach leg in it. Threw that coffee maker away and moved out of that apartment. Drip coffee for life!