
It’s got to be something. Maybe a relative owns a liquor store.

I was NOT expecting that.


Right click, save as: No Team In Jesus.jpg

thoughtless grown idiot children would keep buying their grandmas digital cameras.

Only a Republican has enough bitterness in their heart to hate that clip (and Michelle in that dress).

There’s this idea, that’s never said, but basically some professional people (like myself) don’t make $15, so why should some dumb burger flipper?

“No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country...” - FDR 1938

Not Jewish - wish I would, though. Chinese food on Christmas sounds awesome.

it’s because he has rejected his wife as that connection.

That’s why they gave him an “award” - just for the clowning they knew would happen.

As a soon-to-be Old, I needed that little boost of hope, Many thanks.

No argument there - I’m not a fan. Just noting that his inability to stay on script is a well-known thing with him.

They would have found something else to bitch about.

“...I should’ve used two emails: one personal, one for work. And I take responsibility for that decision.”

That’s on you, boo. It could have been worse? It was 100% what everyone on the planet expected of Kanye.


You. Go. Girl.

What’s your point? Hobby Lobby as a “closely-held corporation” does now have the right to impose its owners’ religious beliefs over their workers in spite of national and employment laws? Do you know how many “closely-held corporations” are NOW looking to overturn national and employment laws claiming “religious