
Marcia Greenberger, co-president of the National Women’s Law Center, said that the Supreme Court has never ruled that companies have religious beliefs and that “it has never held that religious exercise provides a license to harm others, or violate the rights of third parties.” Louise Melling, ACLU deputy legal

Agreed, street tacos forever. Taco trucks. May they spread across the land.

This is Jezebel. I was trying to be polite. But what you said.

Conservatives and Christianists share the deeply-held belief that if they successfully deny the rights of everyone they hate, they will still be the ones on top.

I see you’re using logic and common sense there. Good for you, but you need to let that go when discussing the conservatives in SCOTUS. You only need to read one of Scalia’s frothing mad dissents (ESPECIALLY to the gay marriage case) to realize that they’re ready to burn down the entire court structure to get what


Sorry, I can’t agree, CA. Corn tortillas are the only (good) way to get tacos down here in Houston taquerias. Con cilantro y cebolla.

I’ve used that image here more times than I can count. Sometimes, I’m just “OK with this”.

Scalia and Alito are rubbing their hands at the opportunity to take another shot at that decision. This is also the same Court that held that Hobby Lobby’s “religious freedom” had the right to deny workers their own freedom of choice .

The court will refuse to hear her case. This is a road to nowhere.

We all head over to Kitchenette every Monday to read Behind Closed Ovens, and inevitably someone will defend even the worst people—and not “that person must be really troubled and that’s sad,” but “I think that was correct and appropriate.”

Like Batman should be the story of a crazy guy but in his head he’s awesome

Pinkham - I’m just impressed that a BCO article went viral, and I was here to see it! Congrats, you snowflakes, you!

At this point, media and fans need to make like Elsa and let it go.

when did tpping for carryout become a thing?

London fog (Earl grey latte)

working with her during our morning rush was like angry ballet

“a jury of your peers” should include at least 50% people who have been in the same situation.

Did you just Pinkham’s Law, Pinkham’s Law? How special!

[Enter parents who are like BUT YOU DON’T UNDERSTAAAAAAAND]