True, it was funnier back in the day, and became a zombie strip by the end, but hey - who else gets to come up with a great idea and milk it all the way into retirement (or in Schulz’s case, until he couldn’t do it anymore)?
True, it was funnier back in the day, and became a zombie strip by the end, but hey - who else gets to come up with a great idea and milk it all the way into retirement (or in Schulz’s case, until he couldn’t do it anymore)?
I got more joy out of buying and reading the paperback Peanuts collections than I ever did from the daily strip (70s kid). Definitely see if you can find any of them, because the early-to-mid strips were definitely funny, and they work even better in collection.
I wanted to be able to do it and enjoy it, because otherwise, really, what’s the point?
I feel like I’m watching one of the later episodes of Dragon Ball Z when you only see one second of action going on between them disappearing ‘cuz they’re going so damn fast.
Luckily that bowl of gumbo is too good for the likes of you. You’d have to slap your mother afterwards for raising you so badly.
Anthony Hopkins and Jessica Lange are both stellar in it.
Julie Taymor’s Titus
I thought for a moment that she fell asleep, until one of the kids threw a handful of captain crunch at her and she started to gently vibrate.
This I did not know.
Looks like someone stole all the money.
And fuck Prince for even beginning to draw that analogy.
when I heard about what he did to some of his protégés...
Oh, my - that’s thoroughly revolting. Great job?