Exactly right. Write a story about who YOU would trust!
Due to the nature of our customers, both allergy and snowflake,
See? You even know his name!
You should put it in any way.
Panda Express isn’t better than anything.
In case the lo mein is too sophisticated.
Toe jam. Heh.
I see those all the time. Down here we get pizza, chicken fingers, french fries, crawfish and smoked sausage, along with sushi and steak at the larger buffets. At that point it’s mostly just “buffet”, with a tilt toward Chinese. And I doubt any of it goes to waste.
Pinkham does that to me every week with the header pic choices.
You know, I’d give the college girls a break.
I’m a bit on the fence about the 3/4 length sleeves on his jacket, though.
she could never pull off Jimmy Neutron meets Forrest Gump
she could never pull off Jimmy Neutron meets Forrest Gump
The IKEA Death March.
I always vote AGAINST Republicans. Simple and satisfying.