
there are a lot of people who confess to having left herbs in the freezer for years.

I will do this next. I never use the whole can of paste at one time.

That’s some hardcore pancake nerding, right there.

Unfortunately, “Scarlet Overkill” is taken...

Totes worth it.

I know, right?

You sound exactly about the people that hated Obama before he was elected. They’re still writhing in hatred after two terms. We’ll see YOU in eight years - enjoy the suffering.

That was a magnificent DOUBLE burn - took out both Bush and Cheney.

52 seconds was better than me.

Scaring the hell out of those stiffs in the audience by putting Hillary in a Game of Thrones reference? Hilarious.

If so, she’s wearing it better than the virgins.

Against voting rights? Against climate change legislation? Against civil rights? Against universal health care? Pro-war? This is what they vote for, you know?

Khaleesi is coming to Westeros!” Was the best damn part.

Glad you found this - I was just looking for it.

Speaking of. Jane Fonda at the WHCD last night. At 77. Good lord.

a vivid re-imagining of The Black Eyed Peas’ “My Humps”

Even BEFORE he brought Luther on, the President was having a good time skewering every single lie told about him. He even opened with a bunch of JPGs about how he doesn’t give a crap any more - and he probably doesn’t. I’d quote a couple, but hey, it would be quoting the entire speech.

That’s what I was thinking, too. Along with the (shudder).

I’m a Republican because of fiscal issues, and I’m very liberal on social issues.

No need. The Republicans will do it happily. They’ve been looking forward to a nice stake-burning.