
Every time this came on the tv I would plug my ears and hum as loud as I could because I couldn't get to the mute button fast enough. I was not doing it to be funny or ironic either - it really did make me feel real rage if I listened to more than a second or two. This wins - if it's not the worst ever, I don't know

What feeling remains? Is douchbag a feeling?

Hey, that one made me smile! The others just make me barf in my mouth a little...

You could be all.. #It's slightly better than walking

Like a storm trooper and a predator made a baby.

Very nicely said. Two separate but equal cars in the same class with identical target demos. I feel the same way about the people who try to argue whether the xbox or ps3 is better. They both do the same damn thing and they both do it well, call it a draw and go with your personal preference on the styling! For me,

Very nicely said. Two separate but equal cars in the same class with identical target demos. I feel the same way about the people who try to argue whether the xbox or ps3 is better. They both do the same damn thing and they both do it well, call it a draw and go with your personal preference on the styling! For me,

Sorry autocorrect made me sound like a caveman at the end there...

I wish I had a "super recommend" button. You just wrote the most concise summary of my favorite brand I have ever read. They may not move Toyota-ish volumes, but Jag is not just some offshoot of the umbrella making rebadged crap, they are the core of a beautiful, poorly wired apple that will depreciate fast enough for

Dear car, I know I'm close to the next driver up ahead, I'm just about to overtake them. Dear car, I know I crossed my lane without indicating. That's because there's nobody here.

I hope that didn't sound prick-ish, it wasn't meant to. I was just trying to say that of course we don't know what happened, but debating our opinion of what might have is what the comments section is all about. It would be a pretty boring internet if we weren't allowed to speculate.

And what if the whole thing is actually a diversion tactic to divert attention away from a illegal midget prostitution ring being run out of a Krispy Kreme? The world is full of what ifs'. Until We are sitting on a jury or on a witness stand we reserve the right to cast speculative internet judgement on anyone we

Let's hope the precinct treats him like the low life he apparently wants to be associated with.

Yup, it's not like he was infiltrating Hell's Angels and had to stomp someone to keep his rep up. He was riding along with his scumbag buddies and decided he could get away with acting like a fool. Even if he wasn't going to try and stop the assault he could have just sat and watched like the other 50 assholes there.

The last time I was there we were given 30 days on our previous country's plates and after that if we didn't register with the base or local dmv we were illegal. Now that I think about it - folks did talk about not getting tickets for certain offenses until they got their "USA" or "D" plates. It's sort of like here in

Well, I can tell you that before they made us all get plates with "USA" markings (US military in Europe) they still had absolutely NO problem ticketing us with our crappy base registration plates. I will venture to say perhaps he has some form of BS diplomatic plates.

Anyone who wants to see just how fragile it is can just attempt to put their car in P while moving even 1 or 2 mph and the noise generated from the pawl slipping gives to an accurate idea of the toughness of the part. It sounds like the wheel on the Price is Right! (Pretty much works that way too)

To be honest, I think the Panda's got some decent potential, hell shelby made a Dodge Omni or whatever the hell it was fast so anything's possible. I say Panda 4x4 STi would be a terrifying sleeper!

That place looks cleaner than a hospital - when and where does Mr. Denim get his hands greasy? I think if we got to see him tinkering with a few cars (not the million $ exotics/museum pieces of course) he would officially be the coolest celeb gearhead of all time!

Anti-Legalization folks like to bring up the faint possibilty of correlation with schizophrenia that was addressed (poorly) in the UK study to back up their views, yet they get upset, throw their hands in the air and storm off when I mention there is actual proof that cats cause it and I believe cats should be