Truer words have never been spoken, he was a prophet! Let us not forget "Women, can't life with em'... That's it, can't live with em'!".
Truer words have never been spoken, he was a prophet! Let us not forget "Women, can't life with em'... That's it, can't live with em'!".
I think their similarity is why we didn't see a flying spur on the list...
Triple digit speed does not immediately = reckless. I would hope he was running at 130 + at night on nearly empty roads and then during the daytime when there were other drivers to be mindful of he dropped it down to 85-90ish. Around El Paso I'll never top 80 becasue that is the upper limit of the flow of traffic and…
I was pretty excited about this car when I first saw the design, now after seeing them popping up everywhere I am both impressed by it's ability to get Americans out of their giant SUVs' and disappointed by the fact that with all it's good looks even the turbo is still just barely scraping by with performance that has…
Very creepy to actually hear a burnout without engine noise. Squiggle squiggle squeak squeak!
The dry satire of your comment can only be matched by the song itself. Genius!
From what I've heard they have enough people that most of the time deployments are voluntary. I think four years of my life in Afghanistan is enough - I just want to sit tight for a while :) One of my friends did the desert storm thing and he said it screwed him up pretty bad, I'm glad I wasn't there for that whole…
The E5 can be set up with or without a net, I think the net is called the MA-1A. Ours at RAF Lakenheath were netless overrun protection, to be used when it's a choice between the cable or the highway - and our F15 pilots hit them twice while I was there! We only had 15-20 catches a year on the other systems, so when…
I'm Air Force and I maintained the land based version of these for 4 years in England. I can attest that they are perfectly capable of stopping a street sweeper who forgot to raise his brushes at 25 mph. I'm sure aything all the way up to a veyron at top speed would stop in about 800 ft. I think the E5 model would be…
If he just started it or if it has an idle raise feature like my Focus, yes. Whenever I have my foot on the brake and clutch I get 750 ish but once I take my foot off the brake it jumps to 1050 ish. This is a handy bit of programming to help you get away from the line without any of the "damn almost stalled it, now it…
I think it's a fantastic idea for a column, hopefully folks will have enough sense to take it at face value - learn a few lessons, hear of some real world consequences (not newspaper headlines) and maybe have a few chuckles at the folks who learned their lesson the easy way and came out ok. I'm one of the lucky ones…
But the SOB's wouldn't let me have it on my Focus...
Sorry, I forgot to mention I think that BRG is awesome because it encompasses about 6 different shades of green so you can pick either dark, light or in between. Mine is also called Brooklands Green I think. The story I've heard was the Brits didn't even pick green for their national racing color, they were given it…
I am quite a fan myself... (see profile picture)
I am completely stumped as to which is better: Abarth or Fiesta ST. I would give them those recommendations and tell em' to flip a coin or buy the one the dealer could deliver sooner. Unfortunately if someone is asking my opinion on a small, sport hatch, they're already an enthusiast who probably doesn't need my…
Oh wait, no - where the hell do you sit?
I really like how it looks like its actually designed to decapitate the driver in a front end collision.
Awesome! How funny is it when you learn something new about your car years after you bought it - I was just talking to another focus hatch owner who was complaining about our non-fold flat rear seats. I asked if he took the rear headrests off before he did it; watched the look of what I assume is our earliest ancestor…
Weird, my 19k Focus does. Maybe they assume truck drivers are all the same size. And - sigh, yes my wife's Camry does too.