
Tried it and it doesn't work for me. When it's time to go to bed, I end up moving the laundry to the couch, and when it's time to lounge on the couch, I end up moving them to the bed.

What works for me, though, is to go put away my clean laundry during TV commercial breaks. When the break ends, I stop and then resume

While Java was the first language I learned (college course), the first language I really extensively learned was Perl. Even though my knowledge isn't as extensive with it, I'm quite thankful for the foundation that Java gave me, since it is very easy to get into bad programming habits using Perl due to the

I'm slowing starting to realize the power of going mouseless by getting repeated exposure to VIM and other UNIX programs. The productivity speed from all those hand transitions from keyboard to mouse, while negligible over a single use, really does add up significantly over time if you are doing redundant tasks with

I've lived in two cities that have had some great runs alongside the water. Those are very nice routes to do. Also, since I live in the middle of my current city, I have my long run set to take me out of the city and back in, and it's nice to see the dramatic change in the environment.

Wow. Now I want to buy a map of my town (Baltimore, MD, USA) and do the same. Granted in my town, it's probably not a good idea to be in half the neighborhoods :-)

Yea I kind of figured. But it's hard to tell sometimes on the internet ;-)

That only works if the area is quiet. Wouldn't solve the issue I'm referring to (listening to a particular person in a loud, crowded environment)

This is probably more indirectly related to the topic but I have a lot of issues listening to people in a crowded environment, like at a busy bar. I just can't distinguish what the speaker is saying vs everyone else. In a normal quiet area, I don't have any real difficulty listening to the other person. Is there

Was gonna come on here to recommend Int'l editions also. I've saved many a dollar buying biology and computer science textbooks by getting the int'l edition.

For those wary of Int'l editions, they are essentially the same as the US edition of books except most are paperback instead of hardbound, and a lot will be

Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs

So one of the big things nowadays are those genetic profiling services like that at 23andMe. I think it's kind of awesome to know if your genes are favored towards getting random diseases like cancer or alcoholism, but I can't help but think that it would better if I didn't know that I maybe had a 74% chance at

Now playing

I could choose from plenty of boss fight songs, but I'll post one that particularly stood out to me because it isn't what you think of in a "prototypical" boss fight song, since it only occurs for one boss in the game.

I may have to look into using a smaller oz size to wean me off... perhaps drink it out of a coffee mug instead of a 16-oz glass. Like others said, I've tried many times, unsuccessfully, to kick the soda habit. I do agree that the real sugar sodas do fill you up quicker and I may have to take that into consideration

Those JINX rules are different from the ones I used (I also grew up in the South). The way we played as kids, if you and someone else say the same word, you try to be the first to say JINX and the loser cannot speak until the winner says something like UNJINX.

I was riding public transit this past Friday in Baltimore (where I live), and I was riding through a seedy neighborhood (one of those you'd see on The Wire). At one stop the bus driver says "everybody off", clearly just talking to me. I go up and I like "WTF, you aren't driving anymore" and he's like "nope, shift's

and you just went there +1


I'm guessing the Oculus Rift wouldn't really work too well for someone who has no peripheral vision in one eye (like me), right? If that's the case... oh well. Bummed I can't use awesome technology like this.

Ugh the fantasy part about Ben Tate is spot on... having drafted him last year for the same reasons outlined in the article. I pretty much was doomed to failure in my league from having Tate and Shonn Greene as my HB's. Yet I couldn't just release Ben Tate cuz I was waiting for that inevitable Arian Foster injury,

Haha! I know a lot of people that would employ that same strategy but his advice has worked for me more than hindered me. In the end it's advice and you end up making the final decision

This was a good article btw