My digital watch game was slightly different. Mine was to stop the time at exactly 10 seconds. Occasionally I would vary it up and stop at 5, 8 or some other amount of seconds.
My digital watch game was slightly different. Mine was to stop the time at exactly 10 seconds. Occasionally I would vary it up and stop at 5, 8 or some other amount of seconds.
This is sort of off-topic but how many t-shirts should I have in my wardrobe if I work in a rather casual office environment. We don't interact with clients or anything so a lot of people, including myself, go to work in jeans and a t-shirt. On a rough count, I think I have maybe 30 t-shirts in my closet and have…
I'm not a coffee snob by any means (maybe drink an average of 1-2 cups a week), but I do have the rule of "drink it black or don't drink it at all". I don't put stuff in my beer or my sodas... why put it in my coffee?
I wouldn't say it's as bad as having a Christmas birthday. No way around it... you're only getting one set of presents every year.
I can agree with this. Bought a 24-pack of TP March of '12 and I'm just now on the 23rd roll of the 24-pack. No telling how many rolls I've gone through at work.
I'm taking a sightseeing trip to Chicago next week. Looking forward to having some Old Style, and comparing it to my Bmore Natty Boh
How different do you feel sports would be if instead of playing to a given time limit, we played to a certain score? Do you think teams would try to pursue more offense or defense? I'm guessing more offense since you probably want to end the game as fast as possible to avoid wear-and-tear through the season.
Also do…
I would so play George Jones' BourbonQuest '97
Regarding the reboot of Killer Instinct, I've been under the opinion that this game would have been better off with an HD remake of the original KI than a new original title. It's a franchise with a cult following and it seems way too easy to screw up a cult title followup compared to an updated version of the same…
Don't know if it's really a hack, but instead of buying free weights, I just bought 2 gallon jugs of water and use those. The nice thing about using jugs is that you can vary the weight based on the material you put in there. Obviously sand is going to weigh more than water, and so on.
I want to emphasize that if you going to take the public transit route, make sure you get to your boarding stop well in advance before it's scheduled to leave. Public transit in a lot of cities is not that reliable in terms of getting to the stop at the time they specify or what Google Maps specifies. This probably…
I don't know why but I love using the Kindle app on Metro. I'm guessing it's because I'm sort of sight-impaired, and reading a book on a 42" TV screen is really handy for that.
This is something I had been looking for for quite a while. I usually put TV shows in front, movies in the middle, and stuff my parents would enjoy in the back of the queue (since they mooch off my account). It would be awesome if Netflix had the option (without resorting to sub-accounts) to create multiple queues…
I don't think you have a Kluwe what you're talking about
I got his e-mail and sent him a message.
I'll see what I can do. He's more of an acquaintance of mine since he is friends with my cousin, so I'd have to go through him.
I have a friend that actually is a prison architect. He once told me that the specifics in the prison have to be designed just right, since prisoners will try and use anything to commit violence onto others or to commit suicide themselves. It seems obvious that prisoners try to use violence while there, but…
I typically keep my non-essential cards (library card, club cards, etc.) in a drawer until I actually need to use them, and then I'll put them in the wallet for that specific trip. No need to have them cluttering my wallet if I don't go to those places every day. Same thing with club keyring cards... I keep a…
When I was middle-school age, our family computer was in my room. That was fine and dandy except my mom had a habit of wanting/needing to use it after my bedtime. It's not easy going to sleep when you hear keyboard clicking and see computer lights through your eyelids.
I was also a pep band member, and during our conference tournament one year, we couldn't find beer to save our lives. Out of pure luck, we stumbled upon the pep band director from one of the other schools and being the cool as shit guy that he was, he gave us exact directions to a gas station that we wouldn't have…