
I think the ads are nicely made. I just don't think they'll be effective in getting people to leave iOS and Android for their phones right now. I think quickly accessing app content is a very good selling point. However, Windows doesn't nearly offer as much app content as the others (yet - hopefully). People are more

I'm glad you all could hear her, because I couldn't. They should've turned her mic up.

I hope this means we'll have a new Obama this season on SNL.

Actually, Paladino isn't closing in on Cuomo. That poll seems to be an anomaly.

Never been a fan, but I think I'd prefer her doing a more rock-pop sound. This is just... not the business.

This is hilarious!

@Rain-man: I've been having this problem often lately.

Downloaded. Awesome (as advertised). No sound? I surprised this game doesn't have awesome music as well.

I love my backpack from Incase. They make great products, but they are expensive. I usually get my iPhone cases from them as well.

I miss the Cheeto paws.

You were still using Tweetie for Mac Matt? I jumped ship months ago, despite being a having paid for a license. It's so far behind on features, of course the new site is more appealing than Tweetie for Mac.

@liftedngifted1: I wasn't gonna watch "The Event," but then I got high.

Yeah, I'll stick to Flight Control. $2 isn't bad though.

@Purpleone: I really hope Diaz wasn't serious.

"3) the song—White Knuckles—is awesomely good, to the level of the best Prince."

Only 1 or 2 of these are on Game Center. Sigh.

Boardwalk Empire was kinda epic tonight. I'm really excited about the season.

It's SO hard to single out one Hendrix song as a favorite. There are so many. If I had to pick right now though, it would be "If 6 Was 9." It changes every time I spin his records.