
I wonder if Dorothy "Dot" Davidson from Alabama is friends with this guy lol.

R&B, because he's fixing to abandon it for good. Wrong move dude.

@14K:missesMizJ: Valerie's clothes just weren't Jackie O though.

Any Game Center integration perhaps?

@dreamweave: True. When you thought it was gonna stop, she just kept going lol. I guess I can forgive Andy for helping to throw Michael C under the bus. Valerie needed the wake up call. It seems like every episode, she gets the same critique.

@mipsy6: Great comment. Mondo seems very genuine. I'm definitely rooting for him. It's cool that even though he was really shy at first, he's now confident and staying true to his design aesthetic.

@sugarhoneybabycakes: You definitely knew who would be in the top and the bottom. I agree, bad editing.

@dreamweave: In Heidi's defense, they were just that bad. I think they at least admired that he went outside the box.

@Dodai Stewart: I can hear Kors now lol: "OMG, you can hide your kids, hide your wife in those unfortunate pants."

This story is being denied by both Obama and Bruni. Bruni says she has no association with the "tell-all" as the article states. I can't believe people are passing a story from a tabloid as credible news. They even misspelled Nicolas Sarkozy's name in their article. Nice job.

Ahh, the scrambled porn days. Our trick was to hit the tv.

Unless they're introducing something new in terms of the way we use social media, its structure, design, etc. this won't catch on. People can download a browser extension to make Facebook look this stripped down. Facebook is so established and integrated everywhere, they'll need something revolutionary to become a

@rixatrix has a bargain for frances: Who's forgiving Kanye for his narcissism? That's still his biggest turn off. If you're speaking in regards to the Taylor Swift thing, people aren't necessarily forgiving Kanye as we are tired of hearing about the incident.

@lurkerbynature: I agree with what you're saying. The race is too important to spend it all talking about this (if at all). But let's not disregard the fact that the reason anyone's even talking about this is because of her own words. Folks didn't pull this out of the air to trash her.

@lurkerbynature: She's made sexuality an issue, not us. I could care less about the details of her sex life. However, I think Delaware citizens should be aware of her outrageous beliefs in regards to sexuality, considering she advocates policies that legislates theirs. The fact that anyone's even thinking about her

Let's keep in mind that O'Donnell's campaign basically gay-baited the candidate she won against last night. If she can dish it...

"Damn, homie. In high school, you was da man homie." Katy rapped this in my head upon reading her bit.

Has this story been mentioned on Jezebel yet?