
So, about how much could I get for a 64 gb. 3G (AT&T) iPad 2?

Now playing

Relax everyone. Perez Hilton will define what feminism truly is for us all. /s

Labels, especially for celebs since they're under such public scrutiny, are damned if you do, damned if you don't. If Beyonce screamed, "YES, I'M A FEMINIST!" at the interviewer, probably some of the same people who hate that she's not wholeheartedly embracing the label would take offense to her taking complete

So let's skip H&M, and blame the celebrity spokesperson. Got it.

And let's be real, Bey usually puts a song or two like this on her albums. She didn't on 4, so she's making up for that.

Agreed. I don't think the pop fans get it or are familiar with the genre.

Not sure why fans needed to be insulted, but ok.

I love it. You all wanted Bey to show more personality/let loose. Here it is. Urban, fast rap-singing is who Bey really is. She's repping Houston and returning to her roots. It's Beyonce, so every second will be analyzed. But sometimes you want to throw on the loudest, bass-heavy, most (as my mother would say:)

Meh. I do think Instagram needs some design improvements, but I prefer the current design to Petty's. I just don't think likes and notes should be emphasized for each individual photo on the main page. Imagine looking at a celebrity's page. It would be a mess. A view like Petty's may be useful when you're signed in


I was agreeing with her, if you couldn't tell.

"I don't need to know all of her business." Most people that say that are lying. They want to know everything. And until Bey's ready to spill it all, she should just not say anything.

Doesn't matter. Everyone's mind has been made up. I think at this point expecting or demanding she prove anything else is obsessive.

People want to live vicariously through celebs (ADMIT IT! lol), and Bey won't let anyone in enough to do so. I think Bey's calculated that by not doing so, she adds a certain mysteriousness to her persona, which she feels is more valuable to her in the long run than letting everyone in. I think she's calculated

If you watched Beyonce's performance last night and only saw her shaking her ass or gyrating, well, you missed out.

Her show was great. Fastest 13 minutes ever. Did anyone notice there wasn't a single guy on during halftime?

I think it's good for Netflix and consumers, but not necessarily good for the shows and their casts. Netflix's business model revolves around gaining more subscribers, and this decision (especially if they're good shows) will prove beneficial for them. However, the water-cooler conversations, weekly recaps, blogs,

If anything, I think Beyoncegate shows how big of a deal she is. I had no idea.

Agreed. That's been the surprising thing about all of this imo.

The next saga of the story: Girls from ND/wherever coming forward to the media to say they slept with Te'o during during the height of his "relationship" with the imaginary Lennay Kekua.