Greek McPapadopoulos

Growing up in the early 90s, LSU was a terrible football team, and the only way to follow them was through the radio broadcasts. So I have some fond memories of Jim Hawthorne. I love his voice, and it's always a treat when TV broadcasts these days do the replay with his call.

Abe Simpson demanded their presence


Wait, HW Bush listed all the thousand points of light?

That's pretty much how it went down, but with the added bonus that my cat caught the bat in the same manner after a running start from outside the houseā€”I had opened the door to try to coax the bat out, without realizing that Rambo was waiting outside, and he rushed in and caught the bat in one smooth motion.

Ain't nothing wrong with cats. I know I'm forever grateful for my cat killing a terrifying bat that was flying around my kitchen. They probably could help out with your cave cricket problem, Drew.

Return of an old favorite.

Classic album. For new-ish punk, I'm a fan of Titus Andronicus, Wavves, Cloud Nothings, and the Thermals. Yuck is also a new band that I've been listening to a lot lately, who finds the bridge between Dinosaur Jr. and Teenage Fanclub.

Yeah, it's definitely good, and I felt Some Loud Thunder was unfairly maligned. Also, I saw them live earlier this week, and they put on a good show.

Well now I am.

I would have thought my name would be a tip-off as to my race; perhaps I should adopt a nickname of "Whitey McCrackerface".

On a totally different matter, can we abolish "smh"? I hate pretty much all of these ridiculous text-speak acronyms, but for some reason that one pisses me off the most.

"Humanity couldn't go lower"? Au contraire, the bike is specially designed so as not to go lower.



Hobert and Tolliver. Those were some lean years.


And apparently Catholics forget that about Orthodox Christians.

"Thanks, bin Laden!"