I'm sure that degree in "Event Planning" will go a long way.
Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three.
+ ena
A very efficient +1
It took me a second, but that was great.
Nobody horns in on Carl Monday's beat.
Lies. No one reads a Friedman article before it's published.
He's broadcast 2 of their games. He's probably still upset that they ruined his championship pick of Oregon.
I'm embarrassed by how long it took me to recognize this genius.
Like, the VHS box?
You are a Raiders fan. You cannot read. This will not be read to you.
You are a Raiders fan. You cannot read. This will not be read to you.
Hear hear! Broccoli has gotten that rock-star treatment for far too long!
I have to do something courageous and epic. Inspired by 'Drive', I will continue to waste time and post on Deadspin.
No problem.
And that law applies in South Carolina?