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This might change your opinion: []
Well played.
@Gamboa Constrictor: I'm not sure the De-Complicator can solve this one.
@norbizness: Yeah, and it's not like he's exciting at all.
On a similar note, Andre Miller got hit by Blake on both possessions prior to that tackle.
@CharlesShackelford: If Rusty Shackleford had said this, I really would have been thrown for a loop.
@Desi_Relaford: +1
Hey Chuck, don't you hate pants?!
@Football_Fetishist: Agree on Beach House and LCD Soundsystem. I loved No Age's "Nouns", but I haven't really gotten into the new one.
@MoonZeroTwo: +1
@wyomingcowboyup: Dave Nelson was secretly Canadian. He was born in Canada, raised in Wisconsin.
@tater: Nothin' against ya, Squiddy. I just heard there was gold in yer belly.
@trentonsfinest: As long as you've admitted Grizzly Adams DID have a beard.
@trentonsfinest: I believe that jacket belongs to Mr. Gilmore.
@Cynical Bastard: Shit, I read the old one first and promoted it.
@Bobby Big Wheel: +1.
@Z_Rowsdower: A tour of Freddie's? Acceptable.
@UweBollocks: AV Club and Pitchfork both mentioned it in passing when going over the concert lineup, and haven't seen anything contrary.