Greek McPapadopoulos

@UpstateUnderdog: Dartmouth's made a habit of putting up some entertaining games. I saw them when they came down to play Columbia for their homecoming, and I was happy to see them ruin it by winning 24-21. That game featured 4 fumbles in about 6 plays in the 4th quarter.

@UpstateUnderdog: To watch the Brown-Dartmouth football game? That's dedication.

@Brotherford B. Hayes: Utah played TCU, not Boise St. But still, Georgia needs to not fuck this up.

@Supreme Court Justice Jon Jay, RF: I can't believe they show Ivy League football on tv. I saw Dartmouth play Columbia a couple of weeks ago, and at one point there were 4 fumbles in 6 plays.

@AC_Greens_Virginity: I didn't think the same of Pau, who seemed to have some fire and could bang around and get some rebounds and post-up around the basket. He was also a leader on the Spanish national team, so we saw more of his abilities. Then again, I wouldn't have been able to predict his MVP-caliber play these

Shouldn't we realize that Bosh simply isn't that good? He seems to be the classic "guy who gets good stats on a bad team", and simply doesn't have the skills to translate to other teams. He's the new Shareef Abdur-Rahim.

@JosephL: Back in second grade, on the video game, I got "Helen Keller" under Famous People, with no letters. still one of my proudest accomplishments.

@SideAngleSide: I could really go for a Froot Loop donut right now.

@ReggieDunlop: I always forget about that area. Mainly, I wanted an excuse to mention Molalla.

@Jake Locker's Locker: Really, that's your argument? You're a fan of going out in the shitty NW weather to pump gas instead of having someone doing it for you? I imagine you'd also be disappointed if I told you one of the perks of Oregon citizenship was free blowjobs.

@Always Winning: "But you'll want to move beyond Portland for quality meth; the Salem labs have produced better in recent years, but if you're looking for a true Oregon meth experience, Gresham or Molalla would be your best bet."

@Jake Locker's Locker: Ninkasi beer alone is better than anything Washington has ever produced.

It's a pretty common factoid about Portland, though it's hard to find a truly reliable source (on a statewide basis, there's more strip clubs per capita in West Virginia). Oregon ruled that stripping is a form of free expression, hence the proliferation.

@The CFL Allstars: The Besnard Lakes are amazing, and I've been pushing them on anybody who'd listen for years now. Last time I was in my hometown, I was browsing through my local record guy's stock, and noticed he had put a personal "Great Band" sticker on their albums. We then got into a whole conversation about