Greek McPapadopoulos

@MarkKelsosMigraine: You have way too much faith in Arizona to think otherwise. See: Jan Brewer.

R.I.P. Luke. Portland will always have you in their hearts.

@Always Winning: Notre Dame will likely be sued. And Notre Dame will likely pay a substantial financial price for whatever role its employees played in this accident. Somehow a conga line of lawyers will try to equate money with a life. It is an equation that can't be solved.

What the fuck are you doing, Perd Hapley?

@JoeyPorterAle: LSU is rigorous in ensuring that players live up to the STUDENT part of student-athlete, i'll tell you what.

@RedNed: "Neil Young smack" is a different song on that album.

@LeNoceur: I believe the Raiders are looking into signing Black Dynamite.

@Shamgods_Divine_Providence: Exactly. Tackling isn't exactly rocket science—it should be obvious that a headshot is not a safe technique.

@OchentaYcinco: And Harrison gets more because he's a repeat offender

@UweBollocks: The corollary to Chris Rock's "The Spice Girls are kinda like heroin. Everybody’s doing it, but NOBODY wants to admit it."

A.J., are you going to all five MMJ nights? I've at least got tickets for tomorrow, and I'm going to try my luck for "It Still Moves" and "Z"