Greek McPapadopoulos

@The_International_Poise_Conspi...: Damn do I miss her. Smoking-hot bassists shouldn't be allowed to disappear like that.

@The_International_Poise_Conspi...: Shudder.

@titansfan78: Most. Ridiculous. Win. Ever. (But it sure beats a loss.)

Wait, does this British asshole not know the difference between capital gains and income taxes? Jesus, what a fucking stupid network.

At least this one has returned home

@Gourmet Spud: Are you in the market for a particular kind of tuxedo?

@davidc27948: Wait, what? Humans can't help out other humans? Are dogs now superior to people?

@Pete Gaines: It might be an issue if the Yeah Yeah Yeahs are playing the wedding.

As someone who does all their grocery shopping after midnight, believe me, they're still stocking shelves then.

@atastymint: That Christmas creep stuff reminds me of those cranky old columnists in the local newspaper, who have their "quirks" that the readers just love to indulge.

So how does this square with the fact that lately he has devoted a good amount of his TMQ column to the dangers of head injuries and concussions, including the very same article cited? He argues for instance to eliminate tackle football for children under twelve due to their still-developing brains and that the NFL

@Tom Gugliotta's Delicious Frittatas: That's his genius. He dazzles you with all these hilariously clever things, but then hits you really hard in the next scene with an amazingly simple emotional truth. His explanation of the validity and value of cliches is particularly great.

Hmm...has anyone suggested a Q & A?

For once Angelica Bridges is not upset to be confused with Angie Everhart.