@Michael_Of_Bedlam: Reminds me of when I was reading a textbook and finding out I grew up in Cancer Alley.
@TenCentBeer: I used "you" in the plural, meaning his team. And it wasn't just the one fumble, it was four turnovers that killed them. I would think the Saints defense would deserve some credit.
Frank Gore on #Saints: "We whooped their behind up and down the field. They can't stand up with us."
@ArkansasFred: Awful story. Truly a shame.
Thanks, Meatcat.
WU-TANG IS FOR THE CHILDREN! [www.youtube.com]
@Tully Blanchard Enterprises: Wow, that's the best way that I've seen it worded. Too many times he hides behind either "Take me seriously", "I'm just an entertainer", and it can be frustrating.
@MarkKelsosMigraine: Appropriate time as any to post this, which looks at one of their movies:
Man, even with the introduction of the tennis storyline that came out of nowhere, Prince Valiant is still incredibly lame
@WineInACan: I love Menomena. Still getting into the new album.
@vodkanaut: Looks like someone's finally properly dressed up as a starred commenter.
@The_International_Poise_Conspi...: I prefer the one from Mutations, which you can find also as a stand-alone track on the Cold Brains EP. It's called "Diamond Bollocks", and it fucking rocks.
@MarkKelsosMigraine: Seconded. I miss your calm, professorial demeanor.
@VeeArrrSix: Beck is a host of a cable news show. On a good night he probably gets around 2 million viewers. I think there's a good chance that people who don't particularly care for political punditry would not know Beck.
Rick Chandler. Easily.
@Loose Cannon: Sorry, I skipped over that line. Give Lane a couple more years, if you let him, then we'll see.