@Sheed's Bald Spot: I missed his last couple of appearances, but just noticed a Wilco reference in one of them. Always so full of surprises.
@Sheed's Bald Spot: I missed his last couple of appearances, but just noticed a Wilco reference in one of them. Always so full of surprises.
I don't want to alarm the good people of Sioux City, but rock and roll is not the best foundation for a city, from a construction perspective at least.
@Tyson's impetuous style: What the fuck are you doing, Perd Hapley?
@Shawn Kemp's Lovechild: "Ashes in the Fall" is seriously underrated.
@Barry Lutz: Well played.
@Tyson's impetuous style: Until I hear otherwise from MarkKelso'sMigraine's, I'll assume that Jerome Robbins is not a thing.
@Dream Man: Hey, he made the Final Four with an 11-seed, he just couldn't handle superstars...ugh.
@blogsarefun: No, it's still funny.
Wouldn't Napalm Death's "You Suffer" be a better music choice to show his speed?
@SteveJeltzFan: I'll get you da juice.
In addition to not being heard, San Antonio's Manu Ginobli wasn't smelling so good last night either.
@Lionel Osbourne: Sorry, LA doesn't have a team any more. Hollywood probably won't welcome him with open arms any time soon.
@bamassippi: Hey, it's a change of pace from when regular Deadspin forgets to read what Weekend Deadspin posted.
He just overheard "If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college."
@UweBollocks: Understood, and I agree. Sensationalism occurs in outlets besides blogs, and blogs can also provide a wealth of beneficial information. It's content, not the source, that's the issue.
@UweBollocks: Yeah, the National Enquirer thing is basically an indictment on the state of investigatory journalism, and that Cheeto-stained jab is just bullshit. Are you telling me that your average reporter is the paragon of hygiene? Hardly. But the thrust of Hansen's argument being that we don't focus on…
@UweBollocks: Bat Boy is from the Weekly World News, which is sadly no longer in print. National Enquirer is more celebrity scandal than the awesomely bizarre.
@Me and Willie McGee: I wouldn't say it necessarily proves his point, but a more proper rebuttal would be better. Then again, I remember the fun of "You're with me, Leather", and am unsure where to draw the line.
@Torgo's Executive Powder: You're better than that.
@gramsci72: It's all about the hand gesture.