Greek McPapadopoulos

@SponsoredbyV8: You have to admire their view of free agency.

"Push in Push in Push in

@shmendo: I want to see the fights those Chia Pets have.

@Sandburgh: You hate your keyboard player because he's black—they're coming to America!

@Captain_Lou: I don't think Brown looks down on anyone.

@Pedro Cuatro Cinco: I've had the same thing happen as well. Another time, I had my toenail bent backward rom the middle (so that the tip was now touching the bottom). I remember doctor taking a look at it, then when I wasn't looking, he flipped it back.

@Armen Tamzarian: Well-balanced taxpayer-subsidized breakfast programs for children has created a generation of ultra-strong super-criminals

@Saved By Zero: There's pages and pages of debate on this across the internet. I'll save you all the trouble. It's yellow.

@Murray Hewitt: I find the fact that this comment is coming from the New Zealand Deputy Cultural Attaché a bit strange.