@Crash Davis: Thanks, wasn't sure of the rule, and in a bar with no sound, I couldn't hear otherwise.
@Crash Davis: Thanks, wasn't sure of the rule, and in a bar with no sound, I couldn't hear otherwise.
@Crash Davis: I realized this about five minutes after I typed it. I remember watching the replay, and the play clock was still at 40 seconds. There is still no excuse for not having the goddamn field goal unit on the field at that point.
@DrDoof: I'm ready to nominate you to be our next coach.
@SteadmansCheddar: I've never been one to hate on Les Miles, but holy hell, you can't possibly be THAT stupid. If there's ever an instance where one play determines a coach's continued employment with a team, it's that one.
@Greek McPapadopoulos: And random questions—why didn't LSU get the ball on the onside kick where Lafell was tackled? And why is Ole Miss allowed to have their entire team on the goddamn field during a timeout?
@PatienceofaSaint: The final two minutes weren't the only instances of horrible coaching. Jesus Christ, what in the hell just happened?
@rulesboy: But it was only mere puffery!
Wait, where were Tim & Eric in that clip?
@Steve U: Oopa! #newenglandpatriots
@blueshowedup: That may be, but I fail to see how this excuses just plain terrible writing. #fairfieldstags
Honestly, it's a tossup between MarioKart and NBA Jam. Ah, pointless nostalgia... #videogames
@ChrisBallard: I am now buying your book. Excellent. #bookexcerpts
@Gravy: Ole Miss better get cracking on their theology and geometry. #olemissrebels
@TheOneHandedAbortionist: The same kids that grow up there and go to Robert E. Lee High School. #olemissrebels
So this is what Jeff Mangum is doing these days? #fans
@ClingingMars: I believe we've located Danny Wuerffel #assholecoachdigest
@Kobun: Frankly, I'm preparing for the apocalypse at this point. #washingtonredskins
@HollandOates: I'm pretty ashamed to admit that I watched that crapfest (hey, I have a younger sister), but I'm pretty sure David Arquette got some high school tail in that movie. Then they swept that under the rug... #highschoolbasketball
@StuScott Booyahs: This guy doesn't think so: #collegefootball