Greek McPapadopoulos

@Bobby Big Wheel: I actually just recently watched the entire series again, and while a lot of the movie parodies don't hold up, all the other jokes are still gold.

Come on, Al Franken, you're a Senator now! You have to dress like you have some self-respect (though the patriotic hat is a nice touch).

Or failing that, you could just drink the beer without the aid of a stupid game.

@Phinstripes: Quick staring contest me and you, now!

@Torgo's Executive Powder: I'll have to check it out at some point, but hell, I kind of like "The Fixer". Sure, it needs a McCready solo, but I'm sure it'll be great live.

I find it interesting that Will calls out Simmons for pulling the Jon Stewart defense of attempting to have it both ways, because I accused Will of doing the same thing on Costas Now. But yeah, Will is right on that one.

@Fuzzy Dunlop: Fifteen bucks little man, put that shit in my hand. If that money doesn't show, then you owe me owe me owe

Speak English to me Tony! I thought this country spawned the fuckin' language and so far nobody seems to speak it.

@Silent_Q: And the water is so piping hot.

On the one hand, I'm pissed that Hedo Boozer'd Portland. On the other hand, I should be relieved that I don't have to cheer for a Turk.

This totally would have worked if Steven only followed the advice of his brother Donald Soderbergh.

@Dany Heatley Speedwagon: I apparently lost mine this morning as well. Granted, I was probably the least-deserving member of the commentariot to receive one, but that doesn't mean it doesn't sting a little bit.

@UkraineNotWeak: She was definitely looking California in that movie.

@Barry Lutz: If I remember the episode of Insomniac correctly, last call is something ridiculous like midnight.