@kbjone: WHOOOO!!!
@kbjone: WHOOOO!!!
@Bobby Big Wheel: Can I finish? Can I finish? CanIfinishCanIfinishCanIfinish?
@LosOsosdeChicago: Jack Nicholson now, or '74?
@Sense_da_Merger: Go to Olympics, for de Jamaica!
California developed comparative responsibility, which divides fault by percentage, versus the old standard of contributory negligence. But that's for torts; not sure how California deals with the criminal charges.
@chilltown: I'm not even that big of a soccer fan (I mainly pay attention only when it's national teams playing), but good God, do I hate Ronaldo. Watching him play in the Champions League Final showed why—disappears for long stretches and acts like a prick (the yellow card and his smug reaction are perfect examples).
Ronaldo heading to Real Madrid:
@Fatty_B: Do milkshakes come in tuna flavor?
@ras_d: Cleveland's tribute to the Nixon tapes.
@Travis Holland: 14 different states on its roster
@RoxanneEndymion: It's been a while since I've read Naked Lunch, sorry.
Can't you see you're not making Christianity better, you're just making rock n' roll worse.
@ghostsoftheSCupcountry: Considering they both went to LSU, you're definitely not the first to make the comparison.
@CoolHwhip: Interspecies erotica, fucko!
@ithacabaron: As a native of the Red Stick, I'll rank that one, and everything else can tie for second for all I care.
@TheOnlyNetsFan: Yeah, even as a liberal, I don't think this is a big deal at all. Clearly a lot of this was tongue-and-cheek. It's just interesting to hear him say "every single soldier" thinks this way, when a lot came back and volunteered for Obama.
Is Dash not around to see his story vindicated?
Does anyone else get the feeling that this Bil Martin guy hits his co-anchor? Jeez, that was uncomfortable.
@Lukin: DAMMIT, beat me to it.