@bigredgambler: Now they need to just figure out how to get out of that Ruben Blades contract.
@bigredgambler: Now they need to just figure out how to get out of that Ruben Blades contract.
@Greek McPapadopoulos: Damn, that comment was supposed to hitch a ride with @MongoLikeCandy:
Talk about mudflaps, that girl's got 'em.
@Hail to the Chimp: Plus you can visit the place where J.C. Penny sends all their damaged merchandise.
@Quake 'n' Shake: Bryan Ferry?
@Chuck Knoblauch Throwing Error: The problem was he only threatened to kill the driver in English—they have strict bilingual laws in Quebec.
Next year, Blazers. Next year.
Somebody's looking for some Saturday Night Wrist action...
Blazers live to fight another day. For once, I'll go to sleep somewhat happy.
@Juancho: Or the dude from Band of Horses.
Goddammit, I didn't wake up this morning expecting this. I'll miss you Rick, you did a helluva job.
@HalleBerryBerryGood2Me: Good to hear I'm not the only Cosby apologist around here.
@hellosunshine: Who the hell wouldn't be satisfied with that?
@Hank Scorpio-Steinbrenner: You've been reading my diary?
@Rock You Like An Iracane: He won some games for us in the past, but yeah, that was a pretty terrible shot. Good thing we gave the ball to Rudy when it was too late.
I find it hilarious that the Tool video was apparently made by my local community college.
@Lizabelle: Hey Marge, guess how many boobs I've seen today! Fifteen!
@Starburied: I'm just glad you didn't use the original target of ridicule of that joke.