But will Dwight be the guy who got a headache and accidentally saved the world?
But will Dwight be the guy who got a headache and accidentally saved the world?
@hypocriteoath: Read the Dallas News article linked by Who's Cartwright. To take 13 minutes to deliver a lecture and delay even giving a ticket is what's really terrible. This cop was going above and beyond "to protect and to serve", and that's what is outrageous.
@Bobby_Big_Wheel: Arriaga II nods in approval. +1.
@parsley sagehenbait rosemary and thyme: Injuries were really the problem. If Livingston's knees would ever have held out for an entire season, they would have won way more.
@parsley sagehenbait rosemary and thyme: They really let Howard get away with murder down there. But I'm still really glad LSU pulled out the win.
@ClintonPortishead: Interviewer has turned off applicant's interest in Cornell, and they are going to go to the VASTLY SUPERIOR Dartmouth.
Shit, I remember Vernel Singleton. That's not a name you hear everyday.
@Greek McPapadopoulos: Now I just look like an ass.
A 1 seed vs. a 15? You don't see that every day.
Birdman gonna fly now.
@tater: And a fine job you did, too.
@EroticTangerines: And computers! Computers must be involved.
That's a fantastic shirt.
@Pornstars-for-Wilbon: Those minivans with their soccer-mom acceleration can do some real damage.
@Stev D: If laughing at Nic Cage dressing up in a bear-suit and randomly punching women is wrong, then I don't want be right.
@Billy Clyde Puckett: Except that Florida lost a game while Utah did not, and Florida struggled to beat that Alabama team that Utah kicked the crap out of. Thanks for playing.
Of course, you're all going to hell for laughing at this, but that's between you and your personal spiritual deity.
@Mach III Manscape: Good work, sir.
I never thought I would see a combination of Journey's Separate Ways video and Will Ferrell's ribbon gymnastics routine from Old School, but that changed today.
@Father of 2 Future First Rounders: You're actually Aphex Twin?