Greek McPapadopoulos

@edent7: I always thought he was screaming "Korea" for some reason.

@Doyle McPoyle: I'm not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work, there, Lou.

@Jews For Purple Jesus: If the pigs were gathering in Vegas, I felt the drug culture should be represented as well. And there was a certain bent appeal in the notion of running a savage burn on one Las Vegas hotel, and then just wheeling across town and checking into another. Me and a thousand ranking cops from all

@Phony Gwynn: Tebow's response: I am trying to break your heart.

@Back to Azian Zero: Yeah, the officiating in the Mavs/Blazers game was awful, but it wasn't even the worst of the night. It was clear something was up in the Cavs game, and I say that as a guy who loves LeBron.

Off The Wagon? Someone doesn't mind being exposed as a douche.

@Steve_U: Hey, I guess the torch is officially passed from the originators, the 'Aints.

@FiddlingWhileJimRomeBurns: I haven't had bad experiences with DFW, but my friends insist that it smells like "a hot dog taking a shit".

@Pornstars-for-Wilbon: I was able to fly out from JFK after about a 3 hour delay, but my connecting flight to Portland was cancelled, and these assholes can't put me on a flight anywhere in Oregon.

The San Francisco Airport has to be the 7th Circle of Hell. Who knows how long I'm going to be stuck here.

Larry Bird and Michael Jordan think Jimmy Baron's a chump. Over the pipe, off the scoreboard, nothing but net.

@NovakAintNoJokovic: I was in a crowded bar celebrating the end of my first term at law school, and I was able to catch bits and pieces. Goddamn I love Brandon Roy—that 3 at the end of the game was beautiful.

@Greek McPapadopoulos: Wait, middle school? This is what I get for not actually reading the post.

Is Rick the new Wooderson? All these high school girl articles make me think this is the case.

@Smashville: Yeah, I was confused about this as well. There's still a New Orleans Zephyrs, but they're now a Marlins affiliate.