Greek McPapadopoulos

@Gourmet Spud: I believe that's still illegal in all 50 states.

That pentathlon part of the contest sounds fantastic. Stephen Colbert is especially intrigued by the boat-building part:

@44 in a Row: I got Civ Pro last. Contracts is up next. My study group had a big fit about option contracts and unilateral contracts that needs to be resolved tomorrow morning.

Is anyone wondering if Greg Oden will become a real life Benjamin Button? Maybe that's why he's so depressed.


These Facebook commentators are pure Baltic Avenue, I say.

@Rob Iracane: Well, you will be soon. You're very ill.

I don't want Baby Mangino to die (or almost die), so I'm wary of voting for him.

@Tuffy: Thanks, my bad.

And that's it for the Saints.

They don't sell beer, they don't sell soda, what do they sell? Orange Juice and 2%?

The Saints secondary's incompetence strikes again!

@sagehenbait: You and me both. I'm actually glad to hear he's still playing.

They really should be more careful writing their addresses—"2008-11-27-corso-recruiting_N" is inappropriate.

"Mars Needs Women" is the better Tommy Kirk-as-a-Martian movie. Sublimely retarded.

Hey, losing to Arkansas was bad enough. No need to say not-nice things.