@Gourmet Spud: I believe that's still illegal in all 50 states.
@Gourmet Spud: I believe that's still illegal in all 50 states.
That pentathlon part of the contest sounds fantastic. Stephen Colbert is especially intrigued by the boat-building part:
@44 in a Row: That's a pretty big oops.
@44 in a Row: I got Civ Pro last. Contracts is up next. My study group had a big fit about option contracts and unilateral contracts that needs to be resolved tomorrow morning.
Is anyone wondering if Greg Oden will become a real life Benjamin Button? Maybe that's why he's so depressed.
These Facebook commentators are pure Baltic Avenue, I say.
@Rob Iracane: Well, you will be soon. You're very ill.
I don't want Baby Mangino to die (or almost die), so I'm wary of voting for him.
@Tuffy: Thanks, my bad.
@josereyes.theroof wishes to perform Tim Harris's sack-dance...: Do you perhaps the ability to rock the shit out of a solo in an empty desert without the benefit from amplification? That always bothered me, along with the general "What the fuck happened" of that video.
And that's it for the Saints.
They don't sell beer, they don't sell soda, what do they sell? Orange Juice and 2%?
The Saints secondary's incompetence strikes again!
@sagehenbait: You and me both. I'm actually glad to hear he's still playing.
They really should be more careful writing their addresses—"2008-11-27-corso-recruiting_N" is inappropriate.
"Mars Needs Women" is the better Tommy Kirk-as-a-Martian movie. Sublimely retarded.
@Bobby_Big_Wheel: Bits of credit card? Inconclusive.
Hey, losing to Arkansas was bad enough. No need to say not-nice things.
@Denis Lemieux: He smudged his own Puma.