Greek McPapadopoulos

@David Hume: Is the rumor that Navarro uses a vibrator for part of that true?

@lecoqsportif: Harvest Festival? Oh god, The Wicker Man was a documentary!

@Kid Canada: But all I wanna do is get off, and feel it for a minute like the real thing baby, I guess.

This is the most exciting thing to happen to Corvallis since Farmer Rick's gay sheep got stolen by those football players.

I hope the Musberger screw-up is the equal of Shephard Smith calling Beyonce "Bouncy" for an entire story.

Thank you for that picture. It has made my evening.

@Signal to Noise: Glad to know I wasn't the only one that had that thought.

Please tell me that someone saw the shot of Jevan Snead's father, Jaylon, rocking the greatest stache known to man. It was like Wilford Brimley rocking a Fu Manchu.

@Clare: I don't listen to them, but they still get props from me for their band name being a fantastic throwaway reference from Naked Lunch.

I'm beginning to empathize with how Philly fans must feel.

@blainer: I'll back you up on this. Of course, this is coming from a dude whose other mode of transport is a minivan, so take with that what you will.

@BackCourtSports: Um, they won the game. And 8-3 on the year, not bad when they were using 4th string QBs for half the year.

I believe the Amazing Johnathan used this mask in his act, to hilarious effect.

I hope he's wearing something made of windbreaker.

I just blue myself.

@HernandezStache: And what about Horace Grant and his twin brother Harvey?