Greek McPapadopoulos

@Dick Valentine: We've also got TatooedMess(iah) as well. Oh, and me.


No, seriously, Przybilla is not terrible. His game is pretty similar to what Oden's is at this point—rebounds and blocked shots, with the occasional dunk. I'd love to have Oden out there, sure, but it's not catastrophic...yet.

Beer Pong = Ping Pong Paddles. End of discussion.

I think this just proves Marissa Miller hates small business. That barber lost his best customer!

@Weed Against Speed: Then someone decided to bust out the Jack Daniels bass. Oh wait, that actually was Michael Anthony in the audience.

This tradition actually commemorates the shooting of their founder, The Sheriff.

I think tennis balls is the better tradition, if you ask me:

Well, I certainly enjoyed the Newsradio "Complaint Box" episode. Though I tend to prefer my rain delays to have a showing of "Maximum Overdrive".

Irony? I think you mean "Redemption, thy name is Drew Brees."

@mikedrawcar: Hey, a couple of those Georgia touchdowns were INT-TDs. Jesus, Jarrett Lee sucks. Worst call of the game was to have him subbed in for that one drive that stalled in the red zone when Hatch was playing well.

Very astute mentions of both the lack of fast-break points and points in the paint. If the jumper wasn't falling, the Blazers were screwed last year. But I think they're going to improve in both of those areas this year, especially with Fernandez and Oden.

This is why I fear spiders.

@Kid Canada: +1. We'll be dancing on the corpses' ashes.

[reads incredibly depressing to-do list]

Sir, we all have cats we'd like to be playing with right now!

Moooooooooom, Kitty's being a dildo!

"Put out an APB for a Uosdwis R. Dewoh. Better check Greektown."