@The Fan's Attic: I experience the greatest culture shock every time I go back to visit. It's a rare day indeed when I see a minority.
@The Fan's Attic: I experience the greatest culture shock every time I go back to visit. It's a rare day indeed when I see a minority.
@raymondjames: So, is Obama only supposed to want to win one state? Kind of makes it hard to win an election that way.
Do Ho would not have approved, but maybe Be Ho would.
Patton Oswalt had the right idea about celebrating birthdays:
Ugh, I was pretty sure LSU was going to lose yesterday (they're way too green to be a number 4 team), but I didn't think Florida would hang 51 on them. Waking up this morning was no fun.
@7-8 Deville: Don't talk shit about Yield!
Buster Bronco is fucking stoned out of his gourd: [www.freep.com]
That website will be a new favorite for me. There are few things that make me as happy as seeing stocktraders cry.
Johnathan Bachman? I'd be concerned if Stephen King was trying to take photos of me too.
@Weed Against Speed: Ian Curtis proved to be the equivalent of a sailor with his knowledge of knots.
@Jubar: Never underestimate someone's willingness to procrastinate.
@VTBen: Glad to see I wasn't the only one. It's good to see the world's first analrapist get some work.
@Jubar: Is this seriously the only thing you ever comment about?
@UkraineNotWeak aka Praying for a Bullpen: God actually loves microwbrews and is really into indie rock. I think he has an apartment in the Pearl.
"OK, I give up. What's the catch?"
@wonderlic—-myballs: Was she looking at you? No no, she was looking at me.
@MikeSmrek: And he travels back in time for some reason.
@Steve_U: +1. Of Pee-Drinking Manfish I have known, indeed.
Dammit, that game summed up being a Saints fan. They'll rope you in with some awesome plays. Then. they go. and fuck. it up.