Greek McPapadopoulos

Did the Celtics sign Miles just to screw over the Blazers? I remember reading somewhere that if he doesn't play this season, the Blazers get some major cap relief or something along those lines.

@MrRedDevil: Verne also earns my goodwill due to his magnificent work in Happy Gilmore.

@MrRedDevil: He's done a lot of good LSU games, so I like him. Verne has a good voice, but after hearing him do about 8 LSU games last season, it grew annoying.

@44 in a Row: Pope...that's a weird job. Anyone pope here?

@MrRedDevil: Well, he was totally right. But then again, my favorite Zep tune is probably "Rock & Roll", and that's as sloppy as you can get. I think it's more the fact that I'm not a fan of Robert Plant's voice for some reason.

I just had a Jim Gaffigan routine go through my mind as I was walking down the street with a bag of groceries and a giant pack of toilet paper. People must be wondering "what kind of night does he have planned?"

@MrRedDevil: Never have been much of a fan. I have I-IV plus Houses of the Holy, but I never feel like listening to them. I think it mostly stems from one of my guitar teachers complaining about Jimmy Page being too sloppy.

@Jehovahs Witness Protection Program: I also think Dispatch is an East Coast thing. Most of my West Coast friends probably have never heard of them. Guster I liked, ever since I heard "Barrel of a Gun" and "Fa Fa" on the radio. O.A.R., not so much. Not a DMB fan either.

@spinachdip: There's something against attacks on selective activism. Just because there are conflicts everywhere, it doesn't mean that we should just throw up our hands when people focus on a particular cause. Perhaps these people were personally touched by a particular person's story or had some sort of other

@TracyHamandEggs!: I have a great picture of a guy with an American Flag Scimitar on the back of his pickup truck. It was amazingly confusing for my friends and me.

Finished Infinite Jest Sunday night. It was totally worth spending all that time. Will, if you survive the first 100 pages, the rest of it is pretty much cake.

You have selected...POWER DRIVE.

I just had to finish "Infinite Jest" last night after hearing the news. And then I had to reread the beginning so I had an idea of the actual end...

@Yostal: "It's very similar to what the Nazis used."

I think this is the most apropos Critic clip: