Greek McPapadopoulos

@Yostal: I didn't ASK to be secretary of balloon doggies, the balloon doggies demanded it!

@Yostal: Dammit, that clip makes me laugh every single time. I'm afraid if I begin to watch it I'll be trapped in a vortex of Critic clips for the next half hour. But I'm glad to see other people with an appreciation for that fine show.

So the Saints let another easily-winnable game slip away? Oh yeah, it must be Sunday.

@Dan Daoust: I'm finishing Infinite Jest now, and the man was definitely a genius. This really bums me out.


@sagehenbait: That's probably true, I can't say I have a large enough sample-size to make a true determination. But I was with one native, and he agreed that it had to rank up there. At least from what he could remember.

@The Fan's Attic: Nah, just the bathroom in the one open bar on this one street. Luckily I only had to urinate, since the toilet was destroyed. That didn't stop some people from using the urinal for uses either than its intended purpose, however.

During Mardi Gras, I had one of those "Trainspotting"-type moments, and true to form, I found myself in The Filthiest Bathroom in New Orleans.

@TracyHamandEggs!: Well, if I'm reading this correctly, beer goggles are non-opposite sex specific. So dudes look more attractive too, I take it? That's quality scientific research, my friend.

Throw it down, big man!

@Kid Canada: Brian Butcher's last words? Puma Pride.

@jose.reyes: That, my friends, is a reference that made me Smile. You Cant Keep something like that away from me.

Great job Suss. You also get +infinity for including Mike McCready in your list of influential Mikes.

@spinachdip: It's no Big Green. But that's 1-AA, of course.

@Rick Chandler: There were no pods, I guess there were people. It was really a brilliant episode.

@Rick Chandler: I'm so proud I got callbacks from Rick in consecutive days. I might have to put that in my letter home from camp.

@Senators Lost Cojones: Same here, I've been struggling to think of something to do, so I'm just passing along the information to as many possible outlets as possible. I appreciate your concern, and I'm just hoping for a good resolution to this.