Greek McPapadopoulos

I hope that's not Hercules. Dammit, it is!

Oh Trumpy, you can do stupid things.

When I'm thinking about Mitchell...and I will...

Actually, Red Bull & Vodka is pretty bad for the heart, but you know, whatever.

Seriously, where's my Saints preview? As a fan of the team no longer living in the area, I kind of want to hear about if the secondary will finally get its shit together or if Sean Payton can figure out how to work his offensive voodoo, which he only accomplished half the time last year.

Frank Pulli was full of shit. Stacy Long isn't the only person who remembers, though it makes me wonder why in the hell I still do.

@44 in a Row: Womenfolk are not to be trusted. "The Wicker Man" with Nicolas Cage taught me all I need to know about dealing with the fairer sex. They'll kill us with bees!

@lecoqsportif: He bagged her before he ran for office. Her money helped bankroll his early campaigns. He still had the flyboy thing going too.

@Kid Canada: Are they seriously going to pursue this? Don't they realize that John McCain voted less times last year...than a guy who was in a coma for most of the year (Tim Johnson)? I forgot, self-awareness is not a GOP trait.

@What Would Kornheiser Do?: You have to love the logic of selecting the guy you'd most like to have a beer with, and it ends up being the alcoholic who hasn't touched a drink in over a decade. It's really a line of thinking that should be used more often.

@Pete Gaines: I place all the blame at the feet of Donna Brazille for making me hate Al Gore for just that one year.

@Hank Scorpio-Steinbrenner: I can't remember, but what about Nixon in '76. They had to have him on during primetime, right?

@Rock You Like An Iracane: Clearly not familiar with the works of Godspeed You! Black Emperor, or wherever they felt like putting the exclamation point. You have to embrace the random exclamation point!

@Hank Scorpio-Steinbrenner: The charges ended up involving espionage and various other charges related to it. There was a path that the Navy could have taken that would result in the death penalty, but in the end he only has a moderate prison term. The story is really strange of how it ended up, as the "espionage"

@Fat-Fat: So why didn't everyone resign from this board, and why was he appointed in the first place? Does the fact that you serve on a board with someone mean that you alight with them in terms of ideology? I mean, boards are usually pretty diverse, so I wouldn't think that everyone matched up perfectly.

@Yostal: I usually tend to stay away from the organic, but 3 min vs 25, I might have to look into this.

Goddammit, why did I go with the rice that takes 25 minutes to cook?