Greek McPapadopoulos

Seriously, Frederic Weis is still alive? Or are they now allowed to trade corpses.

@Steve_U: The man did attend Oregon State. Let's not expect miracles here.

@Rick Chandler: It's a Republican thing. Like Roger Clemens naming his kids starting with the letter "K", she goes one step further with two letters, T and R. Why TR? Teddy Fucking Roosevelt.

@josereyes: Christ's name was probably Christopoulos at some point, or something along those lines since his dad is Greek-Cypriot.

Robot Roll Call!

Sorry pal, you're in Bronson, Missouri.

From that link, is that a frontbutt I see?

@BreakfastBourbon: +1. Thank you for finally mentioning something along those lines.

@the cajun boy: Auburn has always been the game I look forward to most on the calendar. And great preview, it was well worth the wait.

Johnson, Navin R. Sounds like a typical bastard.

I actually got up at 5 in the morning to watch this. The first quarter and a half had some great basketball, I have to say, but the Greeks just fell apart. Not only was it turnovers, but there were many easy rebounds that they just let get away from them.

Hey, you can't just make random names Greek! Wait a minute...

Bellotti needs the 'stache back.

Great practice everybody! Cats back for everyone!

It's the fucking Catalina wine mixer!

@PeteJayhawk: Yeah, I think "Unsolicited balls in mouth" goes beyond gay/straight paradigms.