
Not completely unharmed, he did get scratched.


"...and please join us in welcoming esteemed actor Eddie Griffin as he serves as honorary pace car driver for us today..."

Bond ratings are also determined by past performance and creditworthy-ness of a company. Cash on hand also factors in, but its pretty much unheard of for a company's first rating to be in the A category unless they have serious financial backing and untapped credit reserves.

Yeah, not a fan of S&P at all. Prime example: Look at Fannie & Freddie - they weren't issues junk status and S&P knew about how bad their financial situations were.

Nah, I don't particularly like the term. It's too broad. That said, you may not put your whole savings into Tesla bonds, just in case.

Was going to post the same as COMTNDRVR, sweet.

Doesn't mean they always will, or that life won't throw them a curveball they can't hit. S&P's looking at the odds for a new company that needs money and a lot of things to go their way, and saying, "if you need to be careful of your money, be wary." This is investing in Google in 2000, chance for big reward, and for

I think people see the word "junk" and overreact. To do what they want they are going to have to grow to be many times larger than they are now. They seem to want to do this relatively quickly and will need to leverage themselves quite a bit. The basic risk due to that and outside shocks, such as supply chain issues

You making up quotes is a sign of the mentally unhinged. Go elsewhere, and let sane adults who aren't lacking in reading comprehension continue the discussion.

Agreed, fuck S&P, Musk has made good decisions over and over and over again.

Unless Musk gets "DeLorean-ed" I can't see Tesla being a bad investment. Specially not after this drives down the price.

successful in the short-term perhaps but in the automotive sector it has always meant death in the mid to long term.

Tesla's bonds weren't rated before. This rating was unsolicited and initial. Therefore, there is no reduction. Tesla's bonds were unrated and speculative before the rating anyways. They could not be considered investment grade. Therefore, to call it a reduction is specious.