
Very sad. Also, that runway is terrifying, IMHO. High cross winds and the length of a long driveway, for those who have seen it. I've had the option of flying or driving up there from Denver. I drove.

Supposedly, the only repercussions the reporter suffered so far was to be kicked out of the hospital. Too bad they didn't arrest the guy.


Got it;) There are those that think they still race there, due to the name. I traverse too many discussion boards:) Yes, it's too bad everyone involved feels it's too dangerous to race there still. At least the race is still going. The Pharons Rally is another great rally raid. It was canceled this year due to the

Erhm, it's because Dakar is no longer Paris to Dakar, but now takes place in South America. The name is kept as a recognition to the race's origins. The race was moved when it became too dangerous to hold through parts of Africa.

Let's enter it across in a race across the pond against members of the Residents of the UK take lawn mower racing much more seriously than us. As in Sir Stirling Moss himself has raced in their British GP and 12 Hour race. Same with Derek Bell.
Granted, this beast probably wouldn't pass

Yeah, Matt's ticket wasn't too bad for a NY horror story. I've known people who've had to rescue their cars from the tow lot on the West Side Hwy in Manhattan for roughly what your describing. Matt's lucky it happened in Brooklyn. Big city parking isn't a joke and it's defiantly a shock to most outsiders. My friends

Wut?! Actually, I can't wait to see this hideous Frankenstein baby conceived between the most awful Tuners in the world, Mansory, and a Fooking footballer. Can we start a special bettors blog? 10-1 that shit will be chrome camo wrapped first thing.

I'm sure as a company that offers rides for a fee, they must deal with the TnL Commission. The driver just has to have the correct license. Probably taxi license.

Shitty PR, but I guess it's what the market will bear. Frankly, it's easier to get around by public transportation. All cabs Jack up their prices on New Year's Eve. That's a fact of NY life. There are also hundreds of black car or livery services in the NY area. Pick one, eff Uber. I'm sure they do well on the West

Love Pike's Peak. Loeb's run there this past summer was insane. I like the cars that run it, but also the bikes too.
As far as rallying goes, check out Dusty's comment above yours. Interesting.

Agree. That's been the subject of private conversations among certain rally and racing enthusiasts in the past few weeks. Perhaps instead of the gimmicks being bandied about,( double points in F1, extra point special stages in WRC, etc), bringing back cars that look different might be part of the solution. I'm not

Now playing

Holy hell! Just found footage of it in action, and a bit more on the car. Why can this not be a thing now??!!!!! WWHHYYY??!!!

heh. I remember when I found out Ferrari's made the rally rounds at one point. Jaw dropped. As much as I like modern rally cars, rules and regulations have made rally cars way too similar. There is a feeling of sterility even in the filthiest scenario. The lack of experimentation by both OEM and drivers is sorely

Hmm, having trouble with images. Let's see if they work in reply.
I know this car went by other monikers and slightly different makes and roof variations.Basically, what I'm saying is at one point, MB went through some bat shit insane experimental phase in the '70's, with heavy, lux cars getting sideways and dirty in

Mercedes Benz 450 SLC rally car. Competed in the '70's in various rallies and endurance races, including the Safari Rally.

Because Racecar, but also strong at the core while being slightly vulnerable on the outside.