
True, for now. I think MB is playing it smart and waiting to see how things go with Erebus. I hope they jump in whole hog. It would be nice have their support in V8's 100%.

Ok. That last comment might have been a smallish lie. Some of you are mighty fine in a fire suit. No lie.

Correction. Chicks did race cars.

Well shoot. I didn't think it was bad. Kind of liked it. Come on, flying Trophy Trucks aren't cool? The only part I didn't care for is the drifting. For all the motorsports I keep track of, you'd think drifting would be on the list somewhere. It's not. I just don't get it. I'd watch tractors race before I'd pay to

Ayup. Good list that has documentaries and films too.

Am going to assume since there isn't a list, Kinja kicked it off course like Perazzini did with Davidson.

Exactly. I find it bizarre that so many remarks are "stop trying to censor the news...rage 11!" Really? There's a reason the initial Twitter poster took down the photo AND apologized to the family. It was in poor taste, and most of civilized society recognizes that. There's a reason newspapers and web sites do not

Agreed. I think it would be horrific to even see someone you know laying there. The person who tweeted the initial photo has since removed it, and apologized to the family.

Like I said, Michael is entitled to his opinion, I'm entitled to mine.

There's a difference between censoring and respect for your fellow man. I'm entitled to my opinion, as Jalopnik and Michael are entitled to theirs. Thank you for your civil comment. Edit, that was for the Dailygarage commenter in my initial post.

You have mistaken the gist of my comment. To be clear, I am not concerned about myself, or any of the thousands viewing this site, except for the victim's family and friends. I can choose to click in the link, that's correct. However, right now, an unnamed track worker has been killed at the Canadian GP. The very

"a warning to the sensitive or very squeamish..." Or those of us who realize it's in extremely poor taste to post a body of someone who was just killed, and whose family might not have been notified yet. Considering the fact we do not know the worker's name, I'm guessing his family doesn't know his dead yet.

Yeah, I just slapped a sticker on Vettel's back. Caswell'd betches.

Ayup. After your first TT, you're pretty much hooked for life.

The main TT races are over. The Senior was yesterday, lightweights, sidecar etc., are all done and dusted. All that's left are the Metzeler Post TT Races at Billown. If you're into it that deep, here's the local schedule.

hahaha! Perfect.

Now playing

More feels, this time below the belt. I'm in pain folks.

Also this.

Now playing

This is how weekend motorsports round up makes me feel. Leave the map, cause geography is cool and that's what Kinja is good for, but for FUCK's sake, make an easy to read listing!

This is not working at all. Imagine if you were trying to look up movie times and this is what you saw. A map that was covered with numbers, and you had to click through the numbers to find out just what was playing where. If Jalopnik wants to have more readers interested in motorsports, this is not the way to go