
Nope, was going to post that race also. Tragic that a rider and driver were both killed at Friday's quali:

Heh. Hadn't heard that one before. As a former resident of CO., eastern I-80 in Colorado is even worse.

That explans it. Thanks for the info.

As a former resident of Colorado, I agree. That's why I'm familiar with the I-80 corridor.

I-80 through Nebraska is one of the most God awful boring stretches of road way in America. This was probably the most exciting thing Royce saw while on his journey through that section.

Banning pre 2004 motorcycles is a head scratcher. I have no idea how that makes any sense at all.

How does a murdering, bath salt taking, psychotic, zombie shoving drugs up his hairy bum make for a Jalopnik/Gizmodo cross post? Where Are the Cars in This? Did he try to have sex with a car? Or eat one? Inquiring minds want to know.

Neutral. Yes Piech should stick around longer. His missteps have been few compared to where he's led the Volkswagen Group.

PMY pretty much works in reverse for me. Do not want.

Ayup. I've seen it in white, red, grey and black so far. I haven't checked MB official site. PMY, seems to be the auto journo color du jour for the release. Auto week has it in white:

Happy Birthday, dirt lover:) Glad Jalopnik posted this.

I second that nomination. I've driven through it several times and that whole stretch never fails to impress. Gorgeous.

Who knew the biggest wrecks of IndyCar would occur after the season was over? Let's remain positive and see who the next CEO will be. (Said to all fans, drivers, upcoming drivers, teams, and all those affected by this announcement).

Anything that Greg Tracy has touched:

I just posted a comment on oppo. I was booted off Jalopnik for a few months during the great Kinja storm and have been on with varied frequency. I only posted today, because today was the 1 year anniversary of Marco Simoncelli's death. I can't edit my comments still, nor seem to be able to reply to myself, so I no

Ha! Yeah, don't follow me if you don't want. I'm not really funny or anything. Scroll through my twitter feed to find who I follow. If you're into cars and racing, you'll find a metric ton. Hashtags on Twitter are generally used like they were on Jalopnik's opposite lock forum, before they were deactivated. Let's say

When I first joined twitter, I was pretty lost. I mostly stayed quite, and just used it to log into Jalopnik. I watched what other people were posting and learned who to follow. Now I interact more and tweet more. It's fun, and you learn a lot. My feed is mostly racing and auto related websites. You get scoops from

Thanks. I was posting a mobile link, so it probably got screwed up. Very funny when it happened, mostly due to the fact I couldn't believe he tweeted during the race. He tweeted another one after the third safety car deployment to Foxtrotized and I about tailgating cars. Ha!

One of the ALMS Safety car drivers, Jason Altzman, tweeted me a few photos during the race:

Finally, the Nissan DeltaWing will be able to live up to it's full potential.