
Yellow and golden overload. Brilliant.

Gorgeous! Really nice shot.



@SpeedSportLife did a great job tweeting the race, even if they did have a chocolate meltdown towards the end. Ahem. Thanks for sharing the photos. Some of my favorites...

Twenty bananas! Dang. Well, I suppose with enough chocolate syrup...Anywho, I'm not going to judge you and say you're addicted to banana splits, but if naked ice cream time starts to affect your home life and job, it's something you might want to look into.


Wasn't bath salts, otherwise she'd be eating some guys face, not ice cream.

I wondered about that also, then read she has a prior conviction on a robbery charge. I'm going to guess and say drugs of some sort were involved.

Yes, as in the case for certain road courses or something like a V shape along the lines of Mulsanne corner at LeMans. Source:[]

So the Bahar Lotus divorce is headed for court. Doesn't that mean his finances while with the company will be made public? We'll find out why he was terminated if it's true he abused company money and policy. If he wasn't fired for improper use of funds, we'll find out he was fired for being incompetent in Lotus's

True. When I lived within New York City, I would walk or take a combination of public transportation, get off a few stops early, then walk. Then I moved north of the city and started to drive everywhere. Heck, I wouldn't cross the street if I wasn't in a car. I started to put on a few pounds, bought a bike, and used

I think I watched that about a half dozen times on Sunday. Every time I got pasted the one minute mark, I teared up.

A fire breathing mythical creature on a potential car-b-que? Can't wait to see the meme day parade on Jalopnik for this one.

Thank goodness. At least he was cool about it, even though fans and announcers have been losing their ever loving minds over it. We can all move on now that Jr. has a win in the bag.

What? All us Jalop chicks starting to look the same to you? Chuckle. You mean McNewbie. LOL

If I recall correctly, neither McNish nor Rockenfeller were hospitalized with injuries, so in that respect, Davidson has it much worse with a broken back. McNish's accident looked horrific, and he must be having deja vu with yet another Ferrari sending a car flying.