
I hope he doesn't get a rash;)

So. Matt Hardigree has finally cracked. It was only a matter of time. Can't wait to see photos of his pasty white ass. Didn't have Matt pegged as a Merc guy, but alright. Wonder what he was yelling? "Gimme the damn Jeep Concept! I want to put it inside me!"

Chuckle. Nicely done. Welcome to Jalopnik. Have fun here and no trolling.

Heh. Welocome to Jalopnik. Have fun here and no trolling.

Saab makes a comeback with a gorgeous, powerful hybrid.

One of the best parts of rally racing is that sound. Welcome to Jalopnik. Have fun here and no trolling.

I liked how he fist pumped. "No reason to get air?" How about just for the fun of it after an epic hill climb.

I was one of those treated to a little EPICSWAGG first thing in the morning. Jeff Gluck nicely gave all of us a heads up. Mark is pretty funny. Judging by the amount he tweets, it must have killed him to be down for even five minutes. Between him and Kenny Wallace, they will blow up your timeline. It will be nice to

See my reply to Jodark. Very few people have stood up for you like I have. Our disagreement has gone too far and I am moving on to cars.

Yes, I am well aware of that. Look I wish thing we equal between the sexes, but they are not. I am now finished talking about the differences between men and women in an auto blog. I have always stuck up for Cars In Depth, even when others have asked for his banning. I have nothing personal against him, but this

I never said men and women should not be equal. I'm all for it. I'm simply pointing out women have it worse, that is all. As far as all the rest of the garbage you're spewing about indoctrination goes, I am finished arguing with a braying ass. As far as physical, emotional and sexual abuse goes, yeah, men get that way

Really? We're going to do this? May I point out you NAME!!!!! Wow, way to go buddy. Also, anyone who has spent more than five minutes on Jalopnik knows you self promote relentlessly. As for pointing out sexiest double standards, watch much porn? I do. Women are made to look dumb 99.9% of the time. Or

Thank you for pointing out that your web site needs more hits by posting this stupidity. It's fine the Eds here tolerate you, I have no problem with that and enjoy your site from time to time. If you want to be controversial though, try to combine it with modicum of cleverness.

This video was making the rounds last night with plenty of dumb blonde jokes in tow. Kudos, Matt, for showing who the real dumbass is. Granted, she's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but the bigger tool is her husband for putting this lovely display out for the world to see. She might not know her math, but I bet

Yeah, then you'd really see a riot!

I wish someone had gotten a better shot of that RAUH Welt Porsche.

Thank you Mr.Blackmore. The PDF version looks great on my iPad.

Scroll down to my comment.

Kudos, kurkos_dr:)

From SpeedHunter's website. Where to watch and listen to the race.