
Found it. I had heard of the show, but for some ludicrous reason, didn't know he raced Jr.

Chuckle. Duely noted;)

Ha! Really? That's cool, with a great quote. I'll have to scour the Internet to see if I can find footage.

Hell yeah, and don't you know I have that picture already bookmarked. LOL Much appreciate it for and afternoon pick me up though. GAWD those abs!!! Anyone who doesn't think race car drivers are in shape, fest your eyes on all of that.

Calm down two wheeled oppo bro. J.Long will get there. I think she has the potential to not just be an outstanding female driver, but an amazing driver, period. You heard it here first!

That might come in time as her popularity rises and sponsors come knocking. I can't bash Danica for that shizz, even though her half nekkid ass is in front of us every two seconds. As a female Fan of NASCAR and other autosports, I wouldn't mind seeing Carl Edwards in his skivvies.

Her too. She's amazing. Sorry should have been specific. Was talking about the NASCAR series.

Race fans need to cut Danica loose and keep their eye on Johanna Long.

You're welcome. This isn't as cool, but I still liked the feel of this shot. I'll post it in case you like it also. Bentley this time.

Ha! I must have touched a British nerve somewhere:) I posted this in a long thread on oppo last night while you were sleeping. Too bad they don't show a driver with this photo.

Good to know. I also just looked and apparently they sell more wagons in Italy than the US. I'm just used to jumping to the standard,"Ferrari, Lambo," answers.

Like a Sir. When you can do this, you've won.

Number 8? Really? For starters, we generally have larger roads in America, so we can drive the larger vehicles. Out of all the cars I've seen in Italy, a station wagon didn't stand out. I'd be curious to know just how many Fiat Stilo Multi Wagons are sold over there.

Cool. I like it. I appreciate the CES and auto related article written specifically for Jalopnik.

Very cool to know! Thanks for the in depth info Smoshmonker. Yeah, when I saw it, I loved it. I think they did a great job with the music also.

That's one of my favorite parts. When the chopper and car are both in slow mo. If you turn it up, you can hear the rotation of the blades. Dat Sound!

Yup. Good eye. Raphael just posted more info.

Ha! Dan Brockett and company spreading rubber and cheese. Very fun and impressive control on the bikes.

Ha! Congrats Brian. Have a drink on me Frawley;)

Welcome to Jalopnik scott.newton and thank you for your thoughtful reply. Yes, this article is written by a four wheeling Jalop who lives in Pakistan. It should be enjoyed for what it is. A beautifully written piece with gorgeous photos. You are now approved to comment on Jalopnik.